Making Music ... Doing Business ... Giving Back

From the Pooh-Bah

Dear Fellow Busicians™!

I believe that by now, the vast majority if not all of our BYO Members are familiar with the term that we coined and at the very least shows evidence of a smidgen of creativity by my predecessors Steve Crane and Stan Bradshaw, two men that I have a great deal of respect for.

First of all, it is truly an honor to serve you as President of BYO, and it is not an honor that I will take for granted.   My goal, with the help of the BYO Board of Directors and our terrific Committees, is to build on the great ideas and principles put in place by Steve and Stan.

In my nearly seven (7) years of being a BYO Member, I still believe that our organization is literally one of a kind.  In spite of the fact that we are no longer a brand new non-profit organization, I strongly believe that momentum continues to grow, our charitable work is increasing progressively and the public response to our efforts continues to amaze.

I have never been prouder of our organization and our BYO Members that this past December’s Christmas Rocks event, in which we collectively raised over $15,000 for a really worth cause, Music Meets Medicine.   Folks, you can be certain that our efforts and our wallets MADE A DIFFERENCE!  The even better news is that many more worthy charities have reached out for our assistance in 2020 and beyond!

Although all of us love music, whether acoustic, country, blues, rock ‘n’ or some combination thereof, not all of us sing like angels.   Being easily the 4th best singer in my own family (out of 4), I understand, believe me.  However, if you can’t sing a note and really don’t play anything other than the spoons, there is another option, as noted below:

Dear BYO Fans!

If you’re not a Busician™, then consider becoming a “BYO Fan”.  You can become a follower of the organization, receive our periodic newsletters, and follow our activities and upcoming performances.  Follow us on Facebook by clicking below. You too can help support these worthy organizations by your attendance at their events and contributions to their causes.  Frankly, our charities couldn’t care less if you’re tone deaf…or the 4th best singer in your own family!


To all you Busicians & Fans – Keep on Rockin’ And let’s jam – and soon!

Len Musgrove

President 2020

 Our Mission

"BYO is a networking organization comprised of business professionals who are also talented musicians. Our mission is to build valuable connections, perform music together and use our musical talents to support charitable causes.

Conceived in June 2011 as a unique and innovative way to connect business professionals that also happen to be musicians, the organization equally serves a higher purpose by supporting the awareness, fundraising efforts, and activities of many charitable organizations in the local community."

   Join BYO   

Are you looking to perform music in a nonprofit group for charity purposes?

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10,000 N Central Expwy #1000
Dallas, TX  752311
Phone: (214) 615-4215